Day 6 - GURPS Prime Directive - Mendem, Deian Operations Officer

For day 6, I made on operations office. This role or crew slot covers much of what Uhura did in TOS. However, it also includes significant work with actual circuitry. I made a Deian for this. He loves handing out with people, especially new ones. He speaks Klingon, Kzinti, Lyran, Romulan and Vulcan fluently. 

A note on skill levels is relevant here: 

  • 12-13 - competent, or what many people have in the skills for their jobs
  • 14-16 - exceptional - most seasoned ordinary folks; these are experts in the field
  • 17-19 - heroic - world class experts
Mendem has world class expertise in a number of skills related to talking with people and the tools used for this. 


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