
Showing posts from January, 2024

Day 17 - GURPS Action (Modern) - Dr. Imelda Lovelace, hacker

 For day 17, I made Dr. Imelda Lovelace. She taught computer science for 40 years and has since retired. She is the team's expert on electronic access, forging electronic keys and is even good at standard physical locks. She knows how to use a gun, but feels that doing so means she has failed in doing appropriate research and having the right kinds of plans. PDF File GCA5 File

Day 16 - GURPS Action (Modern) - Sofia Navarro, Face

 For day 16 I made Sofia Navarro. She is the face for her team of thieves. Between charisma, attractive appearance and voice she is very good at using words to get her way. It doesn't matter if the conversation is in English, Spanish, Russian or Mandarin, she can understand and convince people.  She is more likely to be wearing a business suit or evening gown than geared up for combat. She does have a couple of concealable pistols and a concealable ballistic vest.  PDF File GCA5 File

Days 11-15 - 4 × Dungeon Fantasy RPG (Powered by GURPS) and 1 × Modern GURPS

 Life got more than a little exciting/stressful over the last week. I made characters for days 11-15 last night here are brief summaries and the links Day 11 - Dungeon Fantasy RPG  (Powered by GURPS) - Krelkin, minotaur barbarian I played Krelkin ages ago in the Village of Hommlet/Temple of Elemental Evil that a friend was running in GURPS 3e. (That was current then.) That campaign collapsed because of real life issues for the GM but Krelkin has always held a special place in my heart. This is the "mostly grown up" version at 300 points.  PDF File GCS File Day 12 - Dungeon Fantasy RPG (Powered by GURPS) - Noritaka Omura, human martial artist Noritaka is very early in his career. At 62 points, e might be a 0 level character in D&D. PDF File GCA5 File Day 13 - Dungeon Fantasy RPG (Powered by GURPS) - Savilis Rokiris, human druid Savilis is more focused on plants than animals. He uses the small sword skill with his wand. (The wand is sturdy enough for this to non ...

Day 10 - Dungeon Fantasy RPG (Powered by GURPS) - Lagdush, half-ogre swashbuckler

 Yes, I'm running behind. Day 10's character is Lagdush. He is a half ogre who has become a swashbuckler. At 150 points he is fairly low level, but still starts with a 16 skill in rapier and and does significant damage with it.  PDF File   GCA5 File

Day 9 - Dungeon Fantasy RPG (Powered by GURPS) - Geoffry, human cleric

 Geoffry is a human cleric. He can fight with staff, morning star, broadsword and shield. He knows undead and is a skilled healer. He is bad enough with money that he does have a criminal record. PDF File GCA5 File

Day 8 - Dungeon Fantasy RPG (Powered by GURPS) - Llangwellyn, Half-elf scout (ranger)

 Life's been a bit busy, so I didn't get day 7 posted until day 8. I am posting days 8 and 9 today. Llangwellyn was created using the "random template" feature in GURPS Character Assistant 5. I modified that a bit to have him make more sense. He, of course, uses a bow as his primary weapon. The spear is his backup. He would make and excellent outdoor guide. He is unable to keep cash and dislikes towns and cities.  PDF File GCA5 File

Day 7 - GURPS Prime Directive - Gammek, Orion Captain/Owner

 Gammek is the captain and primary owner of Adella's Fortune. As he still owes a significant amount on the ship (prime traders go for something like 150,000,000 credits). This debt ends up being split between the bank and hush money paid to some that know things he doesn't want publicized. This ends up meaning he needs to pull in over 2,000,000 credits every month if he doesn't want to decrease in wealth. In turn, he will take just about any job that pays well. If keeping his mouth shut means a bonus he is more for it. He, with Adella's Fortune, is the glue that ties the previous six characters together.  PDF File   GCA5 File I actually had Gammek finished on 6 Jan, but wasn't able to post him until now. 

Day 6 - GURPS Prime Directive - Mendem, Deian Operations Officer

For day 6, I made on operations office. This role or crew slot covers much of what Uhura did in TOS. However, it also includes significant work with actual circuitry. I made a Deian for this. He loves handing out with people, especially new ones. He speaks Klingon, Kzinti, Lyran, Romulan and Vulcan fluently.  A note on skill levels is relevant here:  12-13 - competent, or what many people have in the skills for their jobs 14-16 - exceptional - most seasoned ordinary folks; these are experts in the field 17-19 - heroic - world class experts Mendem has world class expertise in a number of skills related to talking with people and the tools used for this.  PDF File   GCA5 File

Day 5 - GURPS Prime Directive - Sigun Kerensky, human science officer

 For Day 5 I made a human Science Officer. Sigun was born on Ceres. She finds open space deeply unsettling. She is fine looking at pictures or even holograms, but being in a large open space fills her with dread. From an early age she showed a talent for science. She joined Star Fleet to pursue her dream of being a science officer. Her graduation from the academy happened less than a year before the General War. Five years into the war, while carousing in a star base bar, she got into a drunken brawl and injured several officers. She spent the rest of the war in the brig and was dishonorably discharged at war's end.  Prior to Star Fleet she was very interested in military history and joined some historical re-enactment groups. This is where her falconry, raptor and musket skills were learned.  PDF File   GCA5 File

Day 4 - GURPS Prime Directive - Anahr zh'Shishria, Brecon Medical Officer

 After working on today's character and yesterday's I decided that 200 points wasn't quite enough for the crew I had in mind. Therefore, 250 points. If I were running a game with these, the first 3 days of characters would get a remake to take advantage of the extra 50 points. It is worth noting that this power level is roughly equivalent to the level 6-10 range in 5e.  Anahr zh'Shishria is paired with Quill Byrne. That pairing is how the Brecon ensure equality between their two ethnic groups. Both served in the Federation during the General War. (Think of this very much like WWI or WWII.) After the war, they joined the crew of an armed tramp freighter. Sort of like Firefly if the Serenity had weapons.  Anahr is a skilled doctor with expertise in Brecon, Klingons, Mynieni and Vulcans. She has effectively taken a vow of poverty. In practice this is more because she gives away half of what she makes. The only items she owns are the ones on her sheet. Everything else she ...

Day 3 - GURPS Prime Directive - Quill Byrn, Brecon Engineer

 For day 3, I decided to make a Brecon engineer. Per the Prime Directive book, Brecons always come in pairs. Tomorrow I'll be making a Brecon medical officer. The engineer was injured in combat a while back. This is the reason for both the disturbing voice and the wounded so far as his disadvantages go. Like the other Prime Directive characters I've made, he is 200 points. This translates to something in the 4-7 level range for 5e per a number of people I've spoken with.  PDF File GCA5 File

Day 2 - GURPS Prime Directive - Eonomo, Mynieni Security Officer

 Eonomo is from a species unique to GURPS Prime Directive, the Mynieni. They look like upside down pears on a bunch of tentacles. They were not full federation member but shortly before the General War they joined. Eonomo like aliens and being with people. If they are new species, even better. It servers as a security officer despite not having the ability to strike with its arms or kick with its legs.  This is again a 200 point character. I expect to make 3-4 more similar character to round out a small crew for Prime Directive before moving to some modern action heroes.  PDF Sheet   Original GCA Sheet

Day 1: Civilian, Ethnic Klingon Load master for GURPS: Prime Directive

 For the first day of the character creation challenge I made Ka'Vok. He is a Klingon civilian (that is not a warrior) who served with the Federation during the galaxy wide General War. He doesn't like violence and would prefer to talk his way out or just not be present. That being said, as a veteran of the GW he does know how to use a phaser. The battlesuit skill is typically used for freight/cargo exoskeletons rather than combat equipment. Because is spends time out in the wilds there are many occasions in which the standard anti-gravity sleds and lifts just aren't available. He is extremely skilled at EVA and loading (or freeing) cargo. With some higher social skills he could work as a purser on a passenger carrying ship.  PDF File   GCA5 File